Planting Season Tips

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Planting Tips


Planting season is right around the corner! As unpredictable as the weather has been this year it’s important that everyone hits the ground running once the temperature starts to rise. As your farm prepares for another season, Koenig Equipment has put together a few tips to help you have a productive and safe planting season. Let’s take a look.

Equipment Review

Before you start any of the work for the season, it’s important to inspect the condition of your equipment and machines. Nothing will slow your progress down more than discovering a needed repair right when you’re ready to start working in the fields. Give all of your equipment a thorough look and address needed repairs ahead of time. Proper end of season storage can extend the life of your equipment and mitigate the need for unexpected repairs. For additional tips of proper storage of your equipment be sure to check out some of our other blog posts!

Supply Handling

Depending on the task at hand you use a variety of different substances on the farm. Whether it’s fuel for your machines or pesticide/herbicide/etc. to prepare the fields for crops, each of these useful substances also requires different steps in order to handle them properly and avoiding potential damage to you or your property. Consulting the labels will provide you with the safety instructions you need, answering questions such as how to store these materials and what (if any) protective gear should be worn while using the substance. Fuel should be stored away from your equipment shed to avoid the possibility of fire.

Self Care

Planting season is hard work and often calls for long hours in the fields. The less rested/fueled you are, the more likely it is an accident will occur. The work demands a lot but it is not worth the potential risk of forgoing food and sleep to get a little more done. Be sure to get good sleep each night, eat all meals and stay hydrated. If at any point you find yourself feeling dizzy or sick, make sure your equipment is shut off and take a brief break to collect yourself and perhaps have a little water and small snack.

Situational Awareness

Farm equipment is great at what it does, but its size and power also means it has the potential to cause harm if the operator is not constantly aware of what’s going on around them. Making sure your equipment is properly marked is one important step in this process. Whether it’s high-visibility safety stickers, flashing lights, or some other safety signage, affixing these to your equipment helps communicate to other people and vehicles that they should use caution around the the farm equipment. It’s also important to keep your eyes peeled as other people and cars are in your vicinity. Make sure they know how to conduct themselves around potentially dangerous equipment and if necessary take steps to remove them to prevent incidents!

Planting season is busy time and we want you to stay busy! For other questions or tips on how to prepare for the coming season contact the experts at Koenig Equipment.