Spring Tractor Prep

Submitted by Koenig.Equipment on

Spring Tractor Prep

Spring will be here before we know it, which means now is a good time to start thinking about preparing your tractor for the upcoming farming season. Like all other farming equipment, if properly stored this should be a simple task.  However, if you put your tractor into storage with little preparation, here are some items to consider before hitting the fields. 

Tractor Service

Safety Checks

Nothing is more important than the personal safety of you and those associated with your equipment.  Key safety checks include:  

  • Ensure all safety devices and shielding are present and in correct working order.  
  • Verify all transport warning flashers, turn signals, and SMV emblems are operating and properly displayed.  
  • Ensure cab doors close properly and are securely latched.  
  • Check operator’s seat belts and instruct those operating the equipment to use them.

Fluid Checks

If your tractor has reached or will soon reach scheduled oil and filter service, perform those services now so your busy spring work is not interrupted. If oil is not scheduled for service, check for signs of fluid contamination caused by condensation.  If in doubt, consider having fluid samples taken and sent in for analysis.  

Check fuel filters and tanks for evidence of water contamination, change filters and drain water from tanks as needed.  Engine coolant not only protects your tractor from freezing, it also contains inhibitors which help protect your engine when it is running at full load temperatures.  Fluid analysis can verify the condition of your coolant, or test strips will also give a good indication of coolant serviceability.   

Proper Operation 

Operate your tractor and make sure steering, braking, hydraulic, and transmission systems function as designed.  Verify all precision equipment has been updated with current software, all subscriptions are current, and the systems function properly.

Tractor Engines

Your engine is the work horse of your tractor, and newer engines operate at much higher temperatures.  Be sure to:

  • Inspect engines carefully and address any fluid, intake, or exhaust leaks which, left unattended, may cause a fire hazard.  
  • Visually inspect normal wear items, such as hoses and belts, for signs of deterioration and cracking. It’s much easier to change them now than when your engine overheats.  
  • Check air filters and make sure your tractor engine is breathing and not gasping for air.

Electrical Checks

Nothing is more annoying and time consuming than a tractor that won’t start.  Now’s the time to:

  • Check, and if necessary, clean all battery connections.  
  • Inspect the batteries and make sure the electrolyte levels are correct.
  • If your tractor is slow to turn over, make sure you test the batteries or have them load tested by someone with the proper equipment.  
  • Ensure the charging system is functioning properly by checking the gauges or dash readouts when checking the operation of your tractor.


Make sure all lube fittings are properly lubricated.

Tires and Ballast

Proper ballast and tire pressure are critical for the efficient use of your tractor's horsepower.  Make sure all tires are checked for proper inflation.  If you have removed weights from your tractor, reinstall them for optimum tractor performance.

Don’t Wait  

If you find issues you are not comfortable addressing, contact Koenig Equipment’s service department.  Especially during the busy season, service schedules quickly become booked. Don’t wait to schedule your service so we may respond to you in a timely manner.

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